Send this proven template 24 hours before appointments and watch your no-show rate plummet overnight.
"We were losing $3,000+ a month from no-shows in our salon. This template cut our no-show rate from 24% to just 4%. The best $9 I've ever spent on my business."
This isn't just another reminder. It's a carefully crafted message using proven psychological triggers to ensure clients show up.
"Hi [Name], just a reminder about your appointment tomorrow at [Time]. Please call if you need to reschedule."
"Hi [NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] from [BUSINESS NAME]. I'm confirming your appointment for [DAY] at [TIME].
We've reserved this time specifically for you, and we're looking forward to [SPECIFIC BENEFIT].
If you need to reschedule, please reply "RESCHEDULE" at least 24 hours before your appointment, so we can offer this time to another client on our waitlist.
Otherwise, we'll see you [DAY] at [TIME]!"
Add your business details to our proven template. Takes just 90 seconds.
Text customers 24 hours before their appointment. Works with any texting system.
Watch your no-show rate plummet by up to 83%. Save thousands each month.
Your $9 investment gets you everything you need to start reducing no-shows immediately.
The core text template system with industry-specific variations for your business type.
Step-by-step instructions to set up the system in your business in under 15 minutes.
Track your before/after results and calculate your exact ROI and savings.
Understand the science that makes this template so effective at reducing no-shows.
Real-world results from businesses like yours, with exact implementation details.
Complete appointment reminder system
one-time payment
If this template doesn't reduce your no-show rate, we'll refund your $9. No questions asked.
Purchased by 2,500+ businesses across 32 industries
Most businesses see a dramatic reduction in no-shows within the first week of implementing the template. The full 83% reduction typically happens within the first 30 days.
No! The template works with any text messaging system - your phone, scheduling software, or CRM. No special apps or subscriptions required.
Yes! The No-Show Destroyer works for any appointment-based business. We include industry-specific variations for salons, dental practices, medical offices, home services, and more.
Regular reminders reduce no-shows by only 15-20%. Our template uses specific psychological triggers that create an 83% reduction. The difference is in the carefully crafted wording.
For just $9, you can solve one of the most frustrating and costly problems in your business.